russian musical vampires plan to play 4 concerts in Spain — two in Barcelona (May 14 and 15), two in Madrid (May 17 and 18 2023).
UPD: May 12 Zaragoza
Here is what the organizers of the Barcelona concert write: L’Auditori &Ibercamera:
«Teodor Currentzis returns to L’Auditori de Barcelona through Ibercamera. He will visit us for the first time with musicAeterna, his own orchestra with which he develops most of his career and recordings. Mahler’s 9th is an essential reference of the Romantic repertoire. Premiered after the composer’s death, it is structured in four movements that lead to the extraordinary Adagio (Sehr langsam und noch zurückhaltend) in which Mahler wants to sublimate the sufferings of the end of his existence.»
Go to the orchestra website. This is a russian orchestra that is localized and works in russia. In May he will play in Moscow and St. Petersburg, followed by four concerts in Spain, two in Barcelona (May 14 and 15), two in Madrid (May 17 and 18). After that, the orchestra returns to russia again. To russia, which is dropping bombs on Ukrainian cities, which has caused a global humanitarian catastrophe, which is threatening the world with nuclear weapons. The orchestra musicAeterna continues to legitimize the power of the dictator — what its creator, Currentzis, has been doing since his appearance in russia from 1994.
- Barcelona
- Madrid, Auditorio Nacional de Música
Why are russian musical vampires going to Spain?
Because they noticed that the local public willingly paid for the performances of russian artists during the war. And illegible — the Spanish public does not attach importance to the connections of artists with murderers and thieves and with sponsors who fell under sanctions. The general sponsor of the orchestra is VTB Bank.
«VTB was one of the first banks to be excluded from the SWIFT global payments system after russian forces invaded Ukraine in February 2022. Both the U.S. and Britain placed individual sanctions on the bank’s chief, Andrei Kostin, who is a close associate of russian president vladimir putin.» Apr 5, 2023
It does not matter what is the reason for such lack of solidarity between the inhabitants of Barcelona and Madrid in relation to the people of Ukraine. Whether this is naivety, or a personal interest in supporting russia, I mean corruption and participation in russian propaganda and justification of the war. Only the fact that the authorities and cultural institutions are promoting the russian trend is important.
In April 2022, at the request of the Ambassador of Ukraine to Austria, 2 concerts led by Currentzis in the Wiener Konzerthaus: canceled. Ukrainian Ambassador to Austria Vasily Khiminets, as well as Ukrainian violinist Vira Zhuk spoke out against the conductor’s tour.
Paris and Munich Currentzis-concerts in May 2022: cancelled.
For these concerts, justifying the genocide of the Ukrainian people, very specific people are responsible. Each of them has a name and reputation, colleagues, neighbors and relatives. Let’s remind them of their reputation and responsibility for the advancement of the russian world and connivance towards the advancement of the russian world.
Both in Barcelona and Madrid, the logos of the highest authorities — Spain and Catalonia — are on the site page. That is, all this happens with the direct approval of the authorities and politicians are personally responsible.
You can leave a comment by the concert organizer here:
Who can you talk to about having to cancel shows in Barcelona and Madrid 2023:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine: +38 (044) 238-16-57
Embajada de Ucrania en el Reino de España:, +34 917 489 360
European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation
Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte, España:
91 701 74 81
- de lunes a jueves, de 9 a 17:30 horas.
- Viernes, de 9 a 14:30 horas.
- Horario de verano (del 16 de junio al 15 de septiembre): de 9:00 a 14:00 horas.
INAEM Instituto Nacional de las Artes Escénicas y de la Música Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte
902 22 49 49, 91 193 93 21
Ministerio del Interior, España
Atención telefónica: 060 (Horario Lunes a viernes: 9:00 a 17:30 h. Sábados: 9:00 a 14:00 h.)
Oficina Ciutadana de la Cultura (OCCU) Barcelona
93 316 10 00
Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals
933 16 27 70, 93 554 78 58
Fundació Vila Casas
Catalunya Música
93 884 44 88
93 481 2200
administración 93 481 2500
Hall contacts:
Auditorio Nacional de Música
91 337 01 39 / 91 337 01 40
Rut Martínez · +34 649 935 371
Núria Maynou · +34 651 669 618
932 95 72 00
Ibercamera directamente el director del concierto — Barcelona
933 179 050, 902 442 882
My letter to Ibercamera: Currentzis? Por lo que veo, no dejáis vuestros esfuerzos a los colaboradores con el régimen de putin, lo que significa que apoyas el genocidio de los ucranianos. A pesar del hecho de que la invasión rusa de Ucrania a gran escala ha estado ocurriendo durante más de un año, constantemente estás arrastrando a músicos rusos al país que respeta los derechos humanos! Esta vez lleva toda una orquesta y un director que no solo son leales al régimen, sino que también tienen un patrocinador: un banco bajo sanciones VTB. Los ucranianos no tienen dudas sobre su participación personal en el régimen de Putin, y nunca borrarán esta vergüenza. ¡Cancelación inmediata de los conciertos de Currentzis y su orquesta! O obtendrá protestas de la diáspora ucraniana.
Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte, España: «Buenos días, en relación a su correo, le informamos de que hemos dado traslado del mismo al Auditorio Nacional de Música, para su conocimiento.»
L’Auditori: «Agraïm els seus comentaris que sempre tenim en compte i ens ajuden a millorar. L’organitzador d’aquest concert és Ibercàmera, promotor extern, a qui traslladarem els seus comentaris. Habitualment, al nostre sector, els artistes es contracten a anys vista. Segurament per aquest motiu els compromisos d’Ibercàmera són de fa molt temps. De tota manera, remetem el seu escrit a l’organitzador del concert. Rebi una cordial salutació, L’Auditori»
UPD 25.4.2023
общий смысл: Директор Венского концертного зала Маттиас Наске в рамках презентации программы объявил, что хочет отмежеваться от Курентзиса из-за его молчание об российской агрессии в Украине.
Теодор Курентзис стал профессором Московской консерватории
26 апреля 2023, 10:01 Фото: Лидия Широнина / пресс-служба Пермского театра оперы и балета Худрук Дягилевского фестиваля дал концерт со студентами МГК. Бывший художественный руководитель Пермского театра оперы и балеты Теодор Курензис стал почетным профессором Московской консерватории. Такое решение принял Ученый Совет МГК по инициативе ректора музыкального вуза Александра Соколова, сообщает telegram-канал «МузЖизнь». Вчера, 25 апреля, Курентзис выступил в Большом зале консерватории вместе со студентами учебного заведения. В программе звучал Моцарт — Большая месса до минор и Фортепианный концерт №23. Теодор Курентзис был художественным руководителем Пермского театра оперы и балета с 2011 по 2019 год. С 2012 года и по сей день он является худруком Дягилевского фестиваля, который проходит в Перми с 2003 года.
Teodor Currentzis became a professor at the Moscow Conservatory April 26, 2023, 10:01 Photo: Lidia Shironina / press service of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater The artistic director of the Diaghilev Festival gave a concert with students of the Moscow Conservatory. Former artistic director of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater Teodor Kurenzis became an honorary professor at the Moscow Conservatory. This decision was made by the Academic Council of the Moscow Conservatory on the initiative of the rector of the music university Alexander Sokolov, the MuzLife telegram channel reports. Yesterday, April 25, Currentzis performed in the Great Hall of the Conservatory together with the students of the educational institution. The program included Mozart — Grand Mass in C minor and Piano Concerto No. 23. Teodor Currentzis was Artistic Director of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater from 2011 to 2019. From 2012 to this day he has been the artistic director of the Diaghilev Festival, which has been held in Perm since 2003.
27.4.2023 Currentzis sponsor sends private army to Ukraine Norman Lebrecht
April 27, 2023
The Russian energy giant Gazprom has recruited a private army to fight alongside failing Russian forces in Ukraine. Yesterday, a Gazprom unit known as PMC Potok, got into a firefight with the Wagner Group, which is supposedly fighting on the same side. Wagner mercenaries complained loudly on social media.
Gazprom has been the principal sponsor (pictured) of the Greek-Russian conductor Teodor Currentzis, who is still being engaged by useful idiots in the music business in Germany and Austria. They should be aware of the bloodstains on his contract.